Category: Faith


White, Catholic, Conservative
The Accepted Form of Bigotry

As the story of the post-March for Life encounter between an Indian activist and a Covington Catholic HS student continues, much misinformation remains. At first blush, media narratives and abbreviated video clips appeared to indict student, Nick Sandmann. Wearing a Make America Great Again (MAGA) cap, he stood closely facing an ageing Indian man. The Indian, Nathan Phillips, was beating a...

extraordinary minister of holy communion, ordinary minister, extraordinary minister,

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
They Are Called Extraordinary for a Reason

Communion Ministers, a term commonly ascribed to those who participate in the Liturgy of the Eucharist by assisting the priest in the distribution of Holy Communion, is a misnomer. This may explain many misconceptions concerning the purpose for their role and their extensive use. The proper title, though largely ignored, is Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Correcting the misused label...

jesus, manifestation, baptism

The Four Manifestations of Christ

Jesus lived an obscure, private family life for three decades. During this time His life was not unlike any others of His time in history. Scripture tells us that Mary pondered many things in her heart. She knew His full identity and knew he was destined for greatness. Undoubtedly, she also greatly basked in the honor of raising the Son of...

The Saint Peregrine Novena, Cancer, and a Miracle

The Saint Peregrine Novena, Cancer, and a Miracle

As a victim of breast cancer, in blessed remission for thirteen years, the fresh diagnosis (or recurrence) of a friend strikes cold fear in my heart. Once you are a part of the cancer club, your life is never quite the same. Fortunately, the grace of faith was given to me. I also have a husband who is part knight...

Faithful, Catholic liturgy, Eucharist

What the Faithful Seek and Deserve

Since my youth, the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has undergone some substantial alterations. Not every change is attributable to the Second Vatican Council. The Spirit of Vatican II facilitated those who pushed for drastic, albeit illicit, changes and outright grave affronts to the integrity of the Mass. Yet the laity want, and expect better. We deserve faithful...

happiness, joy

What Are You Seeking, Happiness or Joy?

Happiness, it’s all the rage with the human race. We’ve always been quite infatuated with the idea of happiness – after all, it’s only human right? But what makes you happy? Have you ever really stopped to think about it? And on what level does happiness apply to your wishes for satisfaction? Is it something as simple as a good...

political rhetoric

Political Rhetoric And A Nation of Voyeurs

Our already morally flawed society appears hell-bent on driving the political rhetoric ever deeper toward unapologetic sleaze. At this point, more people are ‘aware’ of the lewd behavior of varying political figures,  or other celebrities, than are aware that the contemplative Season of Advent is half over. Every new titillating debacle receives 24/7 attention, all in an effort to smear...