Category: Pro-Life

unconditional love

Unconditional Love For The Unborn
Take It To The Voting Booth

Is your love conditional or unconditional? Do you love one child more than the other, based on some perceived value? Who determines the right to life? How are your values reflected in the voting booth? These questions may appear simple on the surface but what does the world tell us? When it comes to the unborn, how does your pro-life...


I Have Cancer
What Should I Do Now?

Breast Cancer Awareness month is quickly approaching its end. Perhaps, like me a few years ago, you or someone you know is facing a cancer diagnosis.  As a thirteen-year cancer survivor, I can certainly commiserate and would like to share a few suggestions on how to face this situation. As a great-granddaughter, granddaughter, daughter, and mother of others with this...

love, gift of self

Jesus’ Gift of Self
Giving Ourselves to Others

“That our nation may become a Culture of Life that rejects abortion, and more effectively welcomes children for Jesus’ sake, therefore welcoming Him, we pray to the Lord…”, from the General Intercessions for Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Priests for Life As a pro-life service to the Church, Priests for Life offers supplemental pro-life prayers and meditations to Catholic dioceses...

give a hand, survivor

Do This Survivor A Favor
Don’t Go Komen Pink For Me

October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, is a tough month for me and many other informed survivors. This year, however, the pink forces are arriving earlier than ever. As an almost thirteen-year breast cancer survivor, it would seem that the colorful efforts by Susan G Komen and other groups would warm my heart. By all appearances, they portray their activities and...

breast cancer club, susan g komen,

A Member of the Breast Cancer Club
Komen Doesn’t Speak For Me

It isn’t yet October but the ‘pink’ breast cancer awareness folks are already ramping up their fundraising frenzy. This most likely leads you the believe that, as an almost thirteen year cancer survivor, I am enthused about the varied events, products, and stories coming out of the breast cancer money machine. After all, isn’t awareness and funding a part of...

voice crying out

Like a Voice Crying Out in the Wilderness

The old philosophical question asks, “If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, does it still make a sound?” Obviously, whether or not anyone sees a tree fall or hears it crash to the ground, there is an appreciable effect. The tree was standing and now it is not, resulting in a dramatic impact on the...

designs by birgit

Designs by Birgit In The Spotlight

It was my recent honor to be interviewed by Voices for Life blogger, Patricia Dowling. She sought to delve into another hat I wear on social media – proprietor of (pro-life) Designs by Birgit. There I create memes in an effort to win hearts for the unborn through information and  a soft touch. There are 650+ pro-life designs (and counting)...

pro-life memes

Free Pro-Life Memes
4 Ways They Inspire

Popular wisdom advises that “a picture is worth a thousand words”. The shortened attention span brought on by our world of sound bites and snippets makes this seem self-evident. So, when I decided to leap into the digital world, it was natural to employ pro-life memes (posters) – to carry the message. Thus, Pro-Life Designs by Birgit was born! Pro-Life Meme Photo...