Fighting Against Safe Abortions


Birgit J

Birgit Jones is a ‘slightly 60,’ passionately pro-life, cradle Catholic. She and her Catholic convert husband, Rick, have been married for 40+ years. Frequent visits from their four adult children and 9 living grandchildren eliminate any fear of an empty nest. Birgit can also be found on Catholic Stand and her Facebook fan page Designs by Birgit.

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2 Responses

  1. Prya Menigan says:

    O would think there is so much money in the 1million abortions a year in this nation that any investment of time to get and stay licensed would be worth it to the doctors who perform them. Whatever the fee, it has to be tiny compared to the loss of revenue if the “clinic” is shut down for non-compliance. Admitting privileges is a no-brainer. Who would go to an outpatient facility of any kind where the practicing doctors don’t meet the standards for keeping admitting privileges? It’s too risky, the doctor would have no oversight of their practice or their work.

    • Birgit J says:

      Yet abortion advocates continue to battle against any laws that would make the procedure safer. They are simply unwilling to give an inch, even if it saves lives. Why is there no liability when women are mangled and sometimes killed? They are that afraid of losing their filthy lucre. Any admission of unsafe conditions or unqualified doctors would, most likely, result in many changes and updates to their killing chambers.

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