Why Sharing Bad News Can Be Good For The Soul
Sometimes it’s just easier to let the bad news slide and focus on the positive. This approach can be fraught with danger, however. For in not making ourselves aware of the Devil and his tactics, we make ourselves, and others, easy prey.
Bad News, Good News
Have you ever noticed how virile your attitude is when you get a jolt of adrenaline from bad news? Sure, you might be tempted to run and hide, but your better self then leaps into action mode. In defense of all that is right and holy, you have a burning desire to act. That action can be beneficial both for your own soul and that of others. As you instinctively seek out assistance in the time of need, God becomes your obvious ally. In going to Him, faith begins to take effect and works as a soothing balm.
In acknowledging that God can bring good from the bad, we submit ourselves to His Will. He is not the Author of evil and bad events in the world, yet He brings peace to those who seek His answers. That is good news for those of us who feel betrayed by the bad news of these times.
Bad News Is Of Satan
Satan has been the destroyer of souls since he first became a betrayer of God, after he was created. He sought out our first parents when Adam and Eve succumbed to his ploy. That his ways are still trapping souls is evident in headlines every day. Just today, I read about a politician who is a ‘staunch defender‘ of killing babies in the womb. Sadly, it’s no surprise that a well known celebrity, is campaigning for him.
In other news we find that a $13,799,501 federal contract requires UC San Francisco to obtain aborted-baby parts in their unholy experiments to humanize mice. As if abortion, even to the point of partial birth, isn’t enough bad news, this ghoulish science is unimaginable to a fully formed conscience.
Even more troubling is the betrayal of our own shepherds. As has been happening for years, Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is donating grant funds to a radical organization involved in the promotion of homosexuality and abortion. CCHD is a fundraising campaign run by none other than our United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). As a result, each and every parish of participating dioceses is complicit in this atrocity.
What Can We Do?
Our mission, then, is to counter this bad news by taking the opportunity to do our best in following Jesus. When we read of corrupt politicians we set our minds toward countering their wicked plans. It is vital that consciences guide our choices in the voting booth. Since abortion is an intrinsic evil and on the list of non-negotiable issues, we must vote for the pro-life candidate. The idea that someone, who is for violent death in the womb, will somehow care about others is simply ridiculous.
Boycotting celebrities, who voice such sinful positions and sharing our knowledge with others, can also do much to counter evil. Bringing the darkness to the Light helps others form a conscience made for justice. Always with charity and good will, we nevertheless need to speak out with strength of convictions. Knowledge is power and that power needs to be shared.
Of course, the Sacraments and prayer are our weapons of choice as the Church Militant. We are the foot soldiers of God and have an obligation of helping others on their quest for sainthood. Jesus has called us all to be saints.
“The Church, the Mystical Body, exists on this earth, and is called the Church militant, because its members struggle against the world, the flesh and the devil. The Church suffering means the souls in Purgatory. The Church triumphant is the Church in heaven.” The Basic Catholic Catechism PART FIVE: The Apostles’ Creed IX-XII
There’s Plenty of Good News Too
Not to be discouraged, it is vital to seek out and share the Good News. The Good News is the gospel of Jesus Christ Our Savior. Reading His Word is always a great idea. Miraculously, it can be applied to our daily lives and current times.
In our daily news feed, we can also find much to rejoice about. For example, there are stories of wonderful results of the recently shown Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer movie. An attorney and an actress have both become pro-life after viewing this amazing film. Many more, similar conversions are also being reported. Bringing the darkness to Light has tangible benefits.
The film “shattered my sheltered agnosticism over abortion. When the sounds of a crying baby can be heard in an abortion clinic, I am forced to admit that abortion stalks the edges of the definition of murder”. Adam Mill, for the Federalist
Thanks to increasingly fervent pro-life advocates, pro-life legislation, and pregnancy care centers more mothers are becoming aware that there is a loving alternative to abortion. Even the mainstream media has reported on this good news. Desperation, as well as a lack of education and information, often misleads women in these circumstances. Even pregnant victims of rape are choosing life on a larger scale.
Our Marching Orders
Rather than joining the ill-informed, safety-seeking masses we are needed at the front lines. Sharing the bad news, as well as the good news, is vital for a balanced picture of our world today. Never give up, never leave another soul behind – this is our charge. In order to be a part of the solution, however, we must first be fully aware of the problem.
Moral courage brings us a successful campaign of doing good. Vote as if lives depend on it – they do. Pray as if this is your last day on this earth – one day it will be. And trust in an ever-loving, just God – He truly is our Champion and our Saving Lord.
I sit before my computer, a 92 yr old Catholic woman with tears falling! You are telling me about the sins of my Church, which I have loved so dearly. How can this be? My God, my God where do I turn to? Who can I trust?
My whole world has just turned upside down and is spinning. Maranatha! LORD JESUS, Maranatha!
Dearest Janice, you know where to turn. Saint Peter said it first when Jesus asked him if he would leave him too. “Lord, where would I go? You have the words of everlasting life “.
I’m sorry that this sordid mess has upset you but you must remember one thing – we follow Jesus the Christ, not fallible shepherds who are human and subject to sin. Have Faith in Him who created and saved us from sin. He Who loved without cost to us. Pray, read Sacred Scripture, make use of the Sacraments, and hope in the Lord. “ The gates of hell will not prevail against His Church”.