Tagged: novena

winding path, narrow path

Following the Winding Path:
The Surrender Novena

  No, not the winding path! Instead give me the straight path. I want the simplicity of a quick and easy answer – and I want it now. Isn’t that what we want. Anything else seems just too difficult. Oh, how we humans cling to this in many aspects of our lives! We are comfortable in our own little niche...

maria goretti

Saint Maria Goretti: Chastity, Mercy, and Love

During my sixth grade year of Catholic school, Sister James Alma taught us about Saint Maria Goretti – the young patroness of chastity, rape victims, and merciful forgiveness. Although my knowledge of sexuality was immature, I felt an instant affinity for this young saint of chastity. Her story touched a chord deep within my heart. To think that someone so...

The Saint Peregrine Novena, Cancer, and a Miracle

The Saint Peregrine Novena, Cancer, and a Miracle

As a victim of breast cancer, in blessed remission for thirteen years, the fresh diagnosis (or recurrence) of a friend strikes cold fear in my heart. Once you are a part of the cancer club, your life is never quite the same. Fortunately, the grace of faith was given to me. I also have a husband who is part knight...