Category: Salvation


I Am Truly a Miracle
Are You a Miracle Too?

Like the lives of many who are reading this, my life is not picture perfect. The history I have lived is undoubtedly less rocky than the lives of scores of others. Being a survivor of an assault pregnancy at the tender age of fourteen does not make me a miracle, however. Although I was blessed to go on to finish...

winding path, narrow path

Following the Winding Path:
The Surrender Novena

  No, not the winding path! Instead give me the straight path. I want the simplicity of a quick and easy answer – and I want it now. Isn’t that what we want. Anything else seems just too difficult. Oh, how we humans cling to this in many aspects of our lives! We are comfortable in our own little niche...

martha and mary

I Am Both Martha and Mary

The Gospel of Luke tells us of the dilemma faced by Martha and Mary – the choice between daily responsibilities and spiritual nourishment. This ageless struggle remains to this day. In these hectic times there is even more emphasis on our worldly duties. Life today rushes along like a whirlwind. In a word, we are busy – all the time....

meatless fridays, abstaing from meat

Abstaining From Meat
Kid-Friendly Meatless Friday

Hmmmm…it’s Friday and the troops are hungry, but if you’re like me you’ve simply been too busy to worry about it…that is until the rumbling bellies distract you from other matters! Since our family adheres to the practice of abstaining from meat throughout the year, this quick meal is a favorite. It’s an easy solution that is kid-friendly. The three...

Church Militant

Church Militant: Leave No Soul Behind

We are living in turbulent times; that is an undeniable fact. As souls on their way to becoming part of the Church Triumphant, and residents of Heaven, many of our tactics mirror a supernatural version of being a soldier. Our holy weapons are the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Rosary. Our companions are praying for us in...

messy, humble

A Serving of Humble Pie

Never say never. That’s what they have always said. And how true it is – both in this world and regarding Eternal Life! If you’re beyond a certain age and have children, you may already have experienced the phenomenon of becoming your parents. As a child, you resented their constraints and swore never to replicate that which had you straining...

evil, dark, goodness, light

Thanking God for the Wicked

In the meditation for day 20 in “A Year With the Church Fathers“, we are asked the question, Why doesn’t God just get rid of the wicked now and let the righteous live in peace? As we are exposed to more and more news of evil around the world, this question seems particularly pertinent. We hear some version of this...

lie, fingers crossed

When Receiving the Eucharist Becomes a Lie

Faithfully practicing Catholics often recoil at the contradictory nature of public figures’ actions and their claims of being Catholic. Especially when they continue their scandalous behavior and yet, present themselves for Holy Communion. How can, for example, the Speaker of the House claim to be faithfully Catholic, regularly receive the Eucharist, and yet vigorously fight for the right to abortion?...