Mother: The Key Is Love
Happy Mother’s Day! Depending on your station in life, these words may bring joy, tears, anger, loss, warmth, anguish, or myriad other emotions. The response is not only dependent on what was experienced but also on the manner with which it was dealt. Whether the mother of one or many, mother via adoption, or a woman with no child at all – this day brings reaction. There are those suffering pregnancy or infant loss, birth moms with empty arms, unhappy memories of childhood, and thoughts of unfulfilled hopes. This single day speaks volumes in terms of emotion – few are completely immune.
The Key Is Love
With a bit of soul searching and an open heart, Mother’s Day can come to encompass all the women in the world. The key is Love
Mother is a name that is given with more than one intention. A woman who has conceived a new life in her womb, at the moment of fertilization, becomes a mother at that instance. Yet, consider the woman who nurtures the sick, the dying, the indigent, the forgotten – she mothers too! There are godmothers, teachers, nurses, and Reverend Mothers. What all of these women have in common is obedience to the Lord’s command to love.
Not Riches But Freely Giving
Being mother does not demand riches to be shared – it simply requires giving. It does not obligate worldly knowledge – only heartfelt compassion. The key is love. Mothering means caring, sharing, comforting, and praying. The welfare of another becomes a prerequisite and self takes a back seat.
The Blessed Virgin Mary gave her ‘yes’ and spent the most important part of her life nurturing the Word. Holy Mother Church guides us in our quest to become holy. Jesus, Himself, taught us by speaking the command, “Love one another, as I have loved you”.
On this day, called Mother’s Day, let us remember them all – whether still on this earth or gone on to Eternal Life. Let us give them a revered place in our hearts – for they certainly have that place in the heart of God.
Those who love desire to share with the beloved. They want to be one with the beloved. and Sacred Scripture shows us the great love story of God for His people which culminated in Jesus Christ. Pope Benedict XVI