Do This Survivor A Favor
Don’t Go Komen Pink For Me
October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, is a tough month for me and many other informed survivors. This year, however, the pink forces are arriving earlier than ever. As an almost thirteen-year breast cancer survivor, it would seem that the colorful efforts by Susan G Komen and other groups would warm my heart. By all appearances, they portray their activities and merchandise as a tangible benefit to cancer victims. Yet, there is more to be seen through the pink-colored glasses of their purported charity work.
Breast Cancer Hits Home
As a cancer survivor, I’m saddened and frustrated by all of the well-intentioned supporters and victims who are co-opted by organizations like Susan G Komen. Their walk/run for the cure events lead them to believe that they are part of the solution.
Breast cancer hits very close to home for me. The BRCA1 gene, prevalent in my maternal line, cost me a great-grandmother in her 40’s, my grandmother at 42, and my mother at 58. Cancer even tried to take both my 28-year-old daughter and her unborn child in 2009. But the appearance of charitable organizations are often misleading. What lies beneath the pink may shock you.
Unsavory Komen Facts
It’s always best to thoroughly vet any charitable organization. Learning about their connections and activities leads to an informed choice. Let’s consider, then, the Susan G Komen organization.
- FACT: Komen donates a large sum of their donated funds to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s #1 abortion provider.
- FACT: Although it’s denied by those set to gain donors, abortion increases a woman’s chance of breast cancer. Medical papers and research confirm this devastating connection.
- FACT: Planned Parenthood provides 0% of mammograms in this country, yet has claimed otherwise. The only breast cancer service provided by Planned Parenthood is instructions on self-examination.
- FACT: In an effort to undercut other charities, Komen has even sued other cancer charitieswho tried to use the word ‘cure’ and the color ‘pink’. Filling their own coffers outranks a spirit of cooperation with a common goal.
What A Cancer Survivor Really Needs
So what do the actual cancer patients need? Do this cancer survivor a favor – don’t walk/run for the ‘cure’ and don’t buy pink merchandise. Instead, donate to a real cancer patient. In this way, you’ll be assured that your money is actually doing some good. Otherwise, there is a risk of helping to pay exorbitant salaries and donations to abortion clinics.
Consider: The Komen marketing plan includes pink blenders, pink yogurt, pink ribbons, pink shirts, pink pots, pink phones, pink everything. Yet, what material good do they really do for actual patients? Society is already painfully aware of breast cancer. Everyone is aware that breasts fit into bras. Yet, social media makes a titillating mockery of the subject.
In reality, just how helpful is that to anyone? The flamboyant gestures are actually designed to make donors feel good about themselves. It’s a sort of reward. Donors are lead to mistakenly think that they are somehow involved in a tangible solution. Yet the truth of the matter is that it’s wrong to feed sacrificially given donations to abortion giant Planned Parenthood. In truth, it only misdirects sincere charity.
Don’t Fall For the Hype
Rest assured, the flawed fundraising goal of Susan G Komen and some other awareness/cure organization employ smoke and mirrors. The vast funds raised aren’t as effective for actual patients/victims, as you’d think. If you want to feel good and do good, go, volunteer – drive a cancer patient to chemotherapy, clean their house, organize some meals for their family, watch their kids, pray for them, send them cards, or just give them a bit of cash for medical expenses. You may not have a pink shirt to show for it but at least you will have really done something significant.
Our daughter and granddaughter, from breast cancer and pregnant to two survivors, not victims: Breast Cancer While Pregnant: Both Can Live
More Sullied Connections
In addition to donating to Planned Parenthood, the American Cancer Society (ACS) also supports research using Embryonic Stem Cells. These cell lines are derived from aborted babies. The ACS is therefore also on the illicit organization’s list.
Pro-life Breast Cancer Causes
Directly to a Cancer Victim: At age 28, Erika was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. She was also 20 weeks pregnant. Due to her illness, she lost her job. Her side effects from treatment and surgery still affect her to this day.
The Polycarp Research Institute (TPRI): TPRI performs high-quality medical research & serves as a resource center. Research areas: Abortion-Breast Cancer, Oral Contraceptive – Breast Cancer, Postfertilization effect of Emergency Contraception, Postfertilization effect of Oral Contraceptive.
Breast Cancer Prevention Institute Home Page: Our website is dedicated to providing the most up-to-date and accurate information to medical professionals and the general public on how to prevent breast cancer. Our on-line publications, as well as our list of other resources, are all designed to provide you with knowledge of practical, risk-reduction strategies.
National Breast Cancer Foundation® Official Site – Information, Awareness & Donations: Breast cancer information, facts, statistics, symptoms and treatments, early detection, mammography screenings, and breast cancer research from the official non-profit source offering charity donations and corporate sponsorship opportunities for breast cancer.
If you know of any other morally sound cancer organizations or causes, please comment below.