Tagged: anti-abortion information

pro-life, learn

3 Things For Pro-Life Advocates to Learn
For The Movement to Survive

Loyalty Do not turn on your own. Especially when the conclusive facts are not in. This was the bitter lesson learned by the Covington Catholic High School teens at the conclusion of the March for Life. Not only the secular media, but even their own school, the Diocese of Covington, and pro-life leaders initially gave credence to the false narrative...

voice crying out

Like a Voice Crying Out in the Wilderness

The old philosophical question asks, “If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, does it still make a sound?” Obviously, whether or not anyone sees a tree fall or hears it crash to the ground, there is an appreciable effect. The tree was standing and now it is not, resulting in a dramatic impact on the...

designs by birgit

Designs by Birgit In The Spotlight

It was my recent honor to be interviewed by Voices for Life blogger, Patricia Dowling. She sought to delve into another hat I wear on social media – proprietor of (pro-life) Designs by Birgit. There I create memes in an effort to win hearts for the unborn through information and  a soft touch. There are 650+ pro-life designs (and counting)...