Tagged: lamb of god

new covenant, divine mercy, lamb of god, eucharist

The New Covenant Brings the Lamb of God

The readings for Holy Thursday clearly illustrate Jesus’ intent concerning worship for the Catholic Church. We see the Old Covenant fulfilled and that the New Covenant brings an entirely new reality. The first reading, from Exodus provides a glimpse into the Jewish tradition of Passover – a practice Jesus would have participated in with His family. The LORD said to Moses...


Seder Meals Are Not Catholic Practice

  During a past Lent, I shared a seemingly innocuous and informative post about the Jewish practice of Seder during Passover. The resulting confusion and charges of antisemitism bewildered me. The catalyst? A fact-packed video by a Catholic priest, The Christian Seder Meal: A Violation of  the First Commandment and a blog link to another video by a Catholic priest. Strong Reactions Below...