Tagged: mass

Faithful, Catholic liturgy, Eucharist

What the Faithful Seek and Deserve

Since my youth, the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has undergone some substantial alterations. Not every change is attributable to the Second Vatican Council. The SpiritĀ of Vatican II facilitated those who pushed for drastic, albeit illicit, changes and outright grave affronts to the integrity of the Mass. Yet the laity want, and expect better. We deserve faithful...

Liturgical Abuses

Liturgical Abuses and Moral Corruption

The encroachment of liturgical abuses in the Church is a long debated bone of contention between various members of the Body of Christ. In addition to the diverging thoughts about the ordinary and extraordinary forms of Mass, the Spirit of Vatican II brought a divisive opportunity like no other. Back then, the laity could not research on the internet we...