The Secret Effect You Have on Others


Birgit J

Birgit Jones is a ‘slightly 60,’ passionately pro-life, cradle Catholic. She and her Catholic convert husband, Rick, have been married for 40+ years. Frequent visits from their four adult children and 9 living grandchildren eliminate any fear of an empty nest. Birgit can also be found on Catholic Stand and her Facebook fan page Designs by Birgit.

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2 Responses

  1. Marian Green says:

    Everything we do affects others. A smile for someone even when we don’t feel like it can be so powerful. We can spread love and joy. An what better time to start again than Christmas. Jesus said “love one another as I have loved you.” Isn’t He talking about a sacrificial love, which we can all practice?

  1. June 20, 2019

    […] mission is clear – the advancement of His Word and the winning of souls. We are called to be our brother’s keeper in the clear sense of being members of the Body of Christ. Sinner or saint, rich or poor, strong or […]

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