Category: Faith


I Have Cancer
What Should I Do Now?

Breast Cancer Awareness month is quickly approaching its end. Perhaps, like me a few years ago, you or someone you know is facing a cancer diagnosis.  As a thirteen-year cancer survivor, I can certainly commiserate and would like to share a few suggestions on how to face this situation. As a great-granddaughter, granddaughter, daughter, and mother of others with this...


Is It Morally Acceptable to Celebrate Halloween?

Each All Hallows’ Eve, Hallowe’en, or Halloween – whichever name we prefer – questions arise as to whether or not it is an acceptable holiday for Catholics to observe. The devil, it is said, is in the details and that is why it is imperative to delve into history. We need facts to determine whether or not participation in the...

babies die before baptism, crib, cradle, infant loss. miscarriage

What Happens to Babies
Who Die Before Baptism?

Since October is Respect Life Month and Pregnancy Loss Month, it is only natural to question what happens to these little souls. Grieving families wonder what happens to their babies who die before Baptism. What happens to these precious little souls for Eternity? . Baptism Is Necessary For Salvation As Catholic Christians we are gravely aware of the necessity of...

Ouija Board, demon, spirits

The Demons Amongst Us And the Ouija Board

Decades after its introduction, an unsavory ‘parlor game’ is still making the rounds. In fact, it is at the top of children’s wish lists and flies off of store shelves around the holidays. Offered by Hasbro, for children ‘age 8 and up’, the Ouija Board is once again rearing its demonic head. In years gone by, this ‘toy’, also called...

veil, chapel veil, mantilla

Why Women Are Wearing a Chapel Veil Again

A resurgence in the optional devotion of wearing a mantilla, or chapel veil, has many people in the pew scratching their heads. Why would women, especially younger women, return to a practice that is described as submissive and subordinate? The answer to this question lies in the motivation leading to the devotion. It may be simpler to address the mistaken...

social media, facebook, mewe

Social Media for Catholics
Why Facebook is Still Relevant

Following the upheaval caused by Facebook and how it doesn’t play nicely with others, I ventured into the world of other social media outlets. The medium I settled on was MeWe. In the end, however, Facebook won out. Here I explain the reasoning behind my full-throttled return to the social media giant. Love it or hate it, the value of...

saint francis

Saint Francis of Assisi
So Much More Than A Garden Statue

As arguably one of the favorite among all the saints – among Catholics, Protestants and even non-Christians – Saint Francis has quite the reputation. Yet, to quell rampant secular misrepresentations, wisdom dictates that we take a closer look at this multifaceted saint. At first glance, he holds quite the worldly image as a kind of garden decoration who holds bowls...

love, gift of self

Jesus’ Gift of Self
Giving Ourselves to Others

“That our nation may become a Culture of Life that rejects abortion, and more effectively welcomes children for Jesus’ sake, therefore welcoming Him, we pray to the Lord…”, from the General Intercessions for Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Priests for Life As a pro-life service to the Church, Priests for Life offers supplemental pro-life prayers and meditations to Catholic dioceses...