Tagged: abortion


Fighting Against Safe Abortions

In 2014 a pro-life bill, Unsafe Abortion Protection Act, or Act 620, was passed into law in the state of Louisiana. Written by Rep. Katrina Jackson (D), it was passed by a 88 -5 vote in the Louisiana House and 34 – 3 in the Senate. Jackson, chair of the Louisiana Legislature Black Caucus stated that the law is about...

excommunication, cuomo, new york

Excommunication Or Not
That is the Question

When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made frequent public statements at odds with Catholic teaching, the pro-life Catholic public was outraged at the scandal she publicly professed. There were calls for her excommunication. She even called abortion ‘sacred ground’ when asked about her opposition to a bill banning late-term abortions’. “As a practicing and respectful Catholic, this is sacred ground to me…....

pro-life, learn

3 Things For Pro-Life Advocates to Learn
For The Movement to Survive

Loyalty Do not turn on your own. Especially when the conclusive facts are not in. This was the bitter lesson learned by the Covington Catholic High School teens at the conclusion of the March for Life. Not only the secular media, but even their own school, the Diocese of Covington, and pro-life leaders initially gave credence to the false narrative...

Salvation Army

Is The Salvation Army Ethical?
How Do They Stand On Abortion?

UPDATE Tuesday, November 26, 2021: The Salvation Army now espouses the concept that white people should apologize for their “white privilege”. Link on bottom of page. UPDATE Monday, November 19, 2018 10:45 pm: Salvation Army personnel have been told to stop posting their opinions about gay marriage, abortion or anything political on social media because it might reflect poorly on...

unconditional love

Unconditional Love For The Unborn
Take It To The Voting Booth

Is your love conditional or unconditional? Do you love one child more than the other, based on some perceived value? Who determines the right to life? How are your values reflected in the voting booth? These questions may appear simple on the surface but what does the world tell us? When it comes to the unborn, how does your pro-life...

love, gift of self

Jesus’ Gift of Self
Giving Ourselves to Others

“That our nation may become a Culture of Life that rejects abortion, and more effectively welcomes children for Jesus’ sake, therefore welcoming Him, we pray to the Lord…”, from the General Intercessions for Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Priests for Life As a pro-life service to the Church, Priests for Life offers supplemental pro-life prayers and meditations to Catholic dioceses...

voice crying out

Like a Voice Crying Out in the Wilderness

The old philosophical question asks, “If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, does it still make a sound?” Obviously, whether or not anyone sees a tree fall or hears it crash to the ground, there is an appreciable effect. The tree was standing and now it is not, resulting in a dramatic impact on the...

unborn baby, Prolife, anti abortion

Developmental Milestones:
10 Amazing Facts About the Unborn

By now most of us are aware of the horrific undercover videos of Planned Parenthood employees engaged in baby body part trafficking. In light of these videos I wanted to take you on a brief journey into the amazing world of the unborn. As truly innocent children of God, these little ones are miracles of God’s creation. The perfection their...