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Fighting Against Safe Abortions

In 2014 a pro-life bill, Unsafe Abortion Protection Act, or Act 620, was passed into law in the state of Louisiana. Written by Rep. Katrina Jackson (D), it was passed by a 88 -5 vote in the Louisiana House and...

excommunication, cuomo, new york

Excommunication Or Not
That is the Question

When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made frequent public statements at odds with Catholic teaching, the pro-life Catholic public was outraged at the scandal she publicly professed. There were calls for her excommunication. She even called abortion ‘sacred ground’ when asked about...

jesus, manifestation, baptism

The Four Manifestations of Christ

Jesus lived an obscure, private family life for three decades. During this time His life was not unlike any others of His time in history. Scripture tells us that Mary pondered many things in her heart. She knew His full identity...

Faithful, Catholic liturgy, Eucharist

What the Faithful Seek and Deserve

Since my youth, the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has undergone some substantial alterations. Not every change is attributable to the Second Vatican Council. The Spirit of Vatican II facilitated those who pushed for drastic, albeit illicit, changes...